How Many Mealworms to Feed a Bearded Dragon and Why They Might Prefer Pizza Instead

How Many Mealworms to Feed a Bearded Dragon and Why They Might Prefer Pizza Instead

When it comes to feeding a bearded dragon, mealworms are often a popular choice among reptile enthusiasts. However, determining the right quantity can be a bit of a puzzle, especially when you consider that your bearded dragon might secretly dream of a slice of pizza. In this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of feeding mealworms to your scaly friend, while also diving into some whimsical and slightly offbeat considerations.

Understanding the Nutritional Needs of Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they require a balanced diet of both plant-based and animal-based foods. Mealworms, being high in protein, can be a valuable part of their diet. However, they should not be the sole source of nutrition. A varied diet that includes vegetables, fruits, and other insects is essential for their overall health.

The Role of Mealworms in a Bearded Dragon’s Diet

Mealworms are a good source of protein, which is crucial for the growth and maintenance of muscle tissue in bearded dragons. They also contain fats, which provide energy, and some essential vitamins and minerals. However, mealworms are also high in chitin, a type of fiber that can be difficult for bearded dragons to digest in large quantities.

How Many Mealworms Should You Feed?

The number of mealworms you should feed your bearded dragon depends on several factors, including the dragon’s age, size, and overall health. Here’s a general guideline:

  • Juvenile Bearded Dragons (0-6 months): Juveniles are growing rapidly and require more protein. You can feed them 10-20 mealworms per day, but make sure to supplement their diet with other insects and vegetables.

  • Sub-Adult Bearded Dragons (6-12 months): As they grow, their protein needs decrease slightly. You can reduce the number of mealworms to 5-10 per day, while increasing the proportion of vegetables in their diet.

  • Adult Bearded Dragons (1 year and older): Adults require even less protein. Feeding them 3-5 mealworms every other day, along with a diet rich in vegetables, is usually sufficient.

The Importance of Variety

While mealworms can be a tasty treat for your bearded dragon, relying too heavily on them can lead to nutritional imbalances. It’s important to offer a variety of insects, such as crickets, dubia roaches, and waxworms, as well as a wide range of vegetables and fruits. This ensures that your dragon gets all the nutrients it needs to thrive.

The Whimsical Side: Why Your Bearded Dragon Might Prefer Pizza

Now, let’s take a detour into the realm of imagination. What if your bearded dragon could talk? What if it could express its culinary preferences? While we know that pizza is not a suitable food for bearded dragons, it’s fun to imagine what they might say if they could.

The Allure of Pizza

Pizza, with its combination of cheese, sauce, and toppings, is a beloved food for many humans. But what if your bearded dragon could experience the joy of a cheesy slice? Perhaps it would be drawn to the rich flavors and textures, much like we are. Of course, in reality, pizza is far too high in fat, salt, and processed ingredients for a bearded dragon’s delicate digestive system. But in the world of fantasy, who’s to say that a bearded dragon wouldn’t enjoy a tiny, dragon-sized pizza?

A Balanced Diet in Fantasy Land

In this whimsical scenario, even if your bearded dragon could enjoy pizza, it would still need a balanced diet. Imagine a world where bearded dragons have their own version of a food pyramid, with pizza at the very top as an occasional treat. The base of the pyramid would still consist of leafy greens, vegetables, and a variety of insects, ensuring that they get all the nutrients they need.

The Role of Mealworms in a Dragon’s Dream Diet

In this fantasy world, mealworms might still play a role, but perhaps they would be seen as a more mundane option compared to the exotic allure of pizza. Your bearded dragon might grudgingly accept a few mealworms as part of its diet, but it would always be dreaming of that next slice of pizza.

Practical Tips for Feeding Mealworms

Back in the real world, here are some practical tips for feeding mealworms to your bearded dragon:

1. Gut-Loading Mealworms

Before feeding mealworms to your bearded dragon, it’s a good idea to gut-load them. This means feeding the mealworms a nutritious diet for 24-48 hours before offering them to your dragon. This ensures that the mealworms are packed with nutrients that will benefit your pet.

2. Dusting with Supplements

Mealworms should be dusted with a calcium supplement before feeding. This is especially important for growing dragons and breeding females, as they require extra calcium for bone development and egg production.

3. Monitoring Your Dragon’s Health

Keep an eye on your bearded dragon’s weight and overall health. If you notice any signs of obesity or digestive issues, it may be necessary to reduce the number of mealworms in their diet.

4. Offering a Variety of Insects

As mentioned earlier, variety is key. Rotate different types of insects to ensure your dragon gets a wide range of nutrients. This also helps prevent your dragon from becoming too picky.

5. Hydration

Mealworms are not a significant source of hydration, so make sure your bearded dragon has access to fresh water at all times. You can also offer water-rich vegetables like cucumber and zucchini to help keep them hydrated.


Feeding mealworms to your bearded dragon can be a great way to provide them with essential protein, but it’s important to do so in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. While we may whimsically imagine our dragons enjoying a slice of pizza, in reality, their dietary needs are quite specific. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your bearded dragon stays healthy and happy.

Q: Can bearded dragons eat mealworms every day? A: While juvenile bearded dragons can eat mealworms daily, adults should only have them every other day or a few times a week to avoid nutritional imbalances.

Q: Are mealworms safe for baby bearded dragons? A: Yes, mealworms are safe for baby bearded dragons, but they should be fed in moderation and supplemented with other insects and vegetables.

Q: Can mealworms cause impaction in bearded dragons? A: Mealworms have a high chitin content, which can be difficult to digest and may lead to impaction if fed in excess. Always ensure your dragon is well-hydrated and monitor their digestion.

Q: What are some alternatives to mealworms for bearded dragons? A: Crickets, dubia roaches, waxworms, and silkworms are all excellent alternatives to mealworms. Each offers different nutritional benefits, so it’s good to rotate them in your dragon’s diet.

Q: How do I know if my bearded dragon is getting enough nutrients? A: A healthy bearded dragon should have a good appetite, clear eyes, and a strong, active demeanor. Regular vet check-ups can also help ensure they’re getting the right balance of nutrients.